Website Redesign

A website redesign is the process of changing and updating the content, structure, format, and navigation of your website to improve performance or user experience. Fixing, or just overall better use of white space, optimizing your page speed, and creating better use of attractive calls to actions can generate new users, or bring back older users. Your website redesign makes sure that all your new content fits into your old website, but has properly well-designed content with and coordinating page elements to keep your website pages consistent, and making sure the user experience is responsive and mobile-friendly. Let’s make sure that your website has all it needs from your own ideas, or by doing customer surveys we can get everything your business desires.

Web Development

A good website creates better opportunities to expand your business or brand, to create innovative profitable strategies, and alleviates time consuming repeatable administrative tasks. Do you really need to manually type in order numbers when we can create a job for a computer to do it. Would you like to automate some of your customer service tasks? Let’s discuss everything you could ever want your website to do – for your customers, and your business.

Understanding what you want your websites to do is step 1, now we can go over the design of your website, to fit the functionality needs. We’ll talk over layouts, colors schemes, and various other design aspects to fit the requirements. Remember: there are websites that look great, but don’t work well, and there are websites that function perfectly, but don’t look great. What I like to do is find the perfect balance of looking great, and necessary functionality to work with that design. We will walk through that so we can find your branding, and vision.

Finally we will discuss version 1 of your website, its delivery timeline, and deadlines. Just because we know everything you want doesn’t mean we are going to show everything if it’s not necessary. Ever been overwhelmed with a million options? It can very well much happen with a website as well. Let’s make sure that your customers are getting everything they need, and everything you will need for going live. Then we can plan how to take over the project once live, and have a rollout method for when you want to deploy new features. Plan then Execute.

Website Enhancements

Sometimes your website does not need to be redone, it just needs a couple of touch ups. The Website Enhancements/Redesign service allows you to live through your current design, but add some new features, including UX/UI fixes that will add efficiency to your current operations. We can build everything your business desires from your own ideas, or doing customer surveys, or allowing me to do a comb over your website.

Website Evaluation

Do you have a current website or website design that you’ve been holding on to, but not sure if it should be executed? Do you have functionality that’s not working as fast as it should? Is your content starting to get stale, and you’re not sure how to generate new content? Let me help you evaluate the design, your content, and your current functionality, to see what needs to be updated, and see what fits best for your business.